OOMG lab manager Jennifer Warrillow spoke to engineering students at Sanderson High School in Raleigh, NC in November 2018 about the application of engineering principles to oceanography. She explained the design and mechanics of OOMG’s Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), a Slocum G1 glider. Principles discussed include: how to make the […]

This week OOMG members Roy He, Joe Zambon, and Jennifer Warrillow attended the 2018 SECOORA Meeting in Charleston, SC. Tuesday, Roy presented a talk on CNAPS model development, advances in data assimilation, and improving model resolution. Roy was also presented with a gift as his tenure on the SECOORA board came to an […]
NCSU’s College of Science set up tables of information and activities throughout Hunt Library on April 21. The Ocean Observing and Modeling Group was represented by Nabi Allahdadi, Shun Mao, Laura McGee, and Jennifer Warrillow. Hundreds of people toured the Library to learn about the science conducted at the university. […]
Approximately 250 eighth grade students from Weddington Middle School (near Charlotte, NC) began their three-day field trip to NC’s Outer Banks with a marine science presentation by OOMG scientists at NC State University’s James B. Hunt, Jr. Library. On March 29, graduate student Laura McGee, Lab Manager Jennifer Warrillow, and […]

OOMG’s Slocum glider, Salacia, was deployed at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Georgia on 16 September 2016. Gliders from University of South Florida, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill concurrently deployed gliders along the U.S. southeast coast in a practice […]

Lesson plans for elementary, middle, and high schoolers based on OOMG‘s CNAPS model are now available for free to the public through the Scientific Research and Education Network (SciREN). SciREN helps scientists make lesson plans from their current work, and helps teachers get current science into their classrooms. OOMG members […]