OOMG Director Ruoying He and PhD Candidate Laura McGee were at sea 13 October – 2 November 2022, participating in R/V Atlantis‘s AT-50 research cruise. The research cruise left port in Pensacola, FL to conduct research on methane seeps along the west coast of Florida and U.S. East Coast for […]

Searching for a missing oceanographic instrument mooring off the U. S. Atlantic coast, scientists aboard the R/V Atlantis discovered instead the remains of a shipwreck probably dating from the American Revolution. The autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry was used to scan the sea floor for anomalies, which Alvin, with a crew […]
PI Roy He took a trip to the depths in Alvin, the small Human Occupied Vehicle (HOV) operated from the R/V Atlantis, in early summer 2014. He descended 2500 m into the Gulf of Mexico. Both Alvin and R/V Atlantis are owned by the U.S. Navy and operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. View the […]