Research Cruise Underway at Cape Hatteras

M. Andres and PIES on R/V Armstrong deck
Chief Scientist Dr. Magdalena Andres and a PIES on the deck of the R/V Armstrong. Photo credit: Robert Todd (WHOI)

The research cruise to study processes affecting exchange across the continental shelf at Cape Hatteras, NC got underway on 13 April 2017. The R/V Neil Armstrong set out from its home port of Woods Hole, MA carrying scientists including OOMG’s Joe Zambon and NCSU Marine Science undergrad Lauren Ball. Researchers have been deploying eXpendable BathyThermographs (XBTs), which transmit temperature as they sink through the depths. Plans also include deployment of an underwater glider, pressure inverted echo sounders (PIES), and acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs).

Stand by for more posts from this cruise!

R/V Neil Armstrong
R/V Neil Armstrong. Photo credit: WHOI

Track the Armstrong’s position here.

Thanks to the National Science Foundation for funding this research!

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