Three times per week this spring, OOMG’s Drs. Ruoying He and Joe Zambon teach an undergraduate class, MEA 462 – Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Marine Physics. At the beginning of the semester, Joe announced two opportunities for at-sea research that were available for any eager undergraduates to participate […]
OOMG Research Assistant Professor Dr. Joe Zambon left this morning to board the Research Vessel (R/V) Neil Armstrong, departing out of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) in Cape Cod, MA. Joe, along with NC State Marine Science undergraduate student Lauren Ball, and MEAS technician Marco Valera will represent NC State […]
Approximately 250 eighth grade students from Weddington Middle School (near Charlotte, NC) began their three-day field trip to NC’s Outer Banks with a marine science presentation by OOMG scientists at NC State University’s James B. Hunt, Jr. Library. On March 29, graduate student Laura McGee, Lab Manager Jennifer Warrillow, and […]
Dr. Ruoying He was invited to speak at several institutes in China in January 2017. He traveled with fellow oceanographers Dr. Dennis McGillicuddy and Dr. Don Anderson, both of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Their stops included the Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences in the Institute of Oceanology, […]
A major winter storm is expected to impact the southeast US and the Triangle region of North Carolina this evening into Saturday morning and afternoon. As with most winter storm events of this magnitude and in this region, a serious concern is not the amount of precipitation, but precipitation type. The […]
OOMG Postdoc Joe Zambon took some time away from visiting family over the winter break to talk to a group of 40 students at Victor Junior High School in Victor, NY. Teachers and administrators invited Joe to speak to the school’s Young Women’s Leadership and The Young Men’s Leadership Groups comprised of […]
Wishing everyone happy holidays, the semi-annual OOMG e-mail newsletter was sent in late December. It contains the latest news from our working group, including links to our new sites, recent publications, and some exciting events of the past year. View the newsletter. To subscribe to the newsletter, contact us at […]
OOMG member Laura McGee visited Mrs. Schuman’s 5th grade math class at Briarcliff Elementary to give a talk on hurricanes. She used the Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS) forecast of Hurricane Matthew to illustrate the low pressure, high wind, and high wave conditions that occur in hurricanes, and to […]

Roy He and Ben Johnson presented a seminar on ocean forecasting with OOMG’s CNAPS model at NCSU’s Hunt Library on October 14, 2016. In the Coffee and Viz seminar series, researchers use the Teaching and Visualization Lab’s 270 degrees of screen to envelop the audience with dynamic images of state-of-the-art […]
Leidos, Inc. has generously donated oceanographic equipment to NCSU’s Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS) for the use of all faculty. Jim Singer of Leidos coordinated the donation, and Ruoying He acted as the MEAS point of contact. Included in the gift are data loggers, acoustic releases, current […]