Roy He and the Goodnights

Goodnight Innovation Distinguished Professor Awards Ceremony

Four NCSU College of Sciences faculty members were honored as Goodnight Innovative Distinguished faculty in a ceremony on 26 November 2018. Dr. Jim Goodnight, co-founder and CEO of SAS, and his wife Ann are long-time supporters of NC State, generously donating to the university. Dr. Goodnight is an NCSU alumnus.

The Goodnights, Chancellor Woodson, and the awardees
Dr. Felix Castellano, Dr. Harald Ade, Mrs. Ann Goodnight, Dr. Jim Goodnight, Chancellor Randy Woodson, Dr. Fred Wright, and Dr. Roy He.

Goodnight Innovative faculty honored a the ceremony were Drs. Phil Castellano, Harald Ade, Roy He, and Fred Wright. NCSU Chancellor Randy Woodson presented the award plaques, and College of Sciences Dean Chris McGahan spoke.

Ann Goodnight and Roy He
Dr. Roy He presents Mrs. Ann Goodnight with a print of the submersible Alvin

As a token of appreciation, Dr. He presented the Goodnights with a print of the submersible Alvin, operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dr. He has himself dove in Alvin, to 2800 m deep in the Gulf of Mexico.


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