OOMG’s Slocum glider, Salacia, was deployed at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Georgia on 16 September 2016. Gliders from University of South Florida, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill concurrently deployed gliders along the U.S. southeast coast in a practice run for the spring 2017 season. Salacia was retrieved just before Hurricane Matthew hit the region. Wendy Woods is OOMG’s glider pilot, with Jennifer Warrillow assisting. Thanks to the crew of the R/V Sam Gray for help with the deployment and recovery.
In addition to her usual instruments to measure conductivity, temperature, and depth, glider Salacia wearing (fore to aft): remora-repelling mesh suit, Loggerhead Remora acoustic recorder, VMT, and belt of spatts to collect ambient domoic acid (an algal toxin), in collaboration with NCSU’s Astrid Schnetzer. Wings were attached before deployment.