NOAA hurricane animation

Roy He and Ben Johnson presented a seminar on ocean forecasting with OOMG’s CNAPS model at NCSU’s Hunt Library on October 14, 2016. In the Coffee and Viz seminar series, researchers use the Teaching and Visualization Lab’s 270 degrees of screen to envelop the audience with dynamic images of state-of-the-art […]

Leidos, Inc. has generously donated oceanographic equipment to NCSU’s Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS) for the use of all faculty. Jim Singer of Leidos coordinated the donation, and Ruoying He acted as the MEAS point of contact. Included in the gift are data loggers, acoustic releases, current […]

glider Salacia deployed

OOMG’s Slocum glider, Salacia, was deployed at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Georgia on 16 September 2016. Gliders from University of South Florida, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill concurrently deployed gliders along the U.S. southeast coast in a practice […]

SciREN @ NC MUseum

Lesson plans for elementary, middle, and high schoolers based on OOMG‘s CNAPS model are now available for free to the public through the Scientific Research and Education Network (SciREN). SciREN helps scientists make lesson plans from their current work, and helps teachers get current science into their classrooms. OOMG members […]

Atlantis cruise participants

OOMG Post Doc Joe Zambon participated in the UNOLS Deep Submergence Training Cruise this past summer from 26 July through 8 August.  His successful proposal was to utilize the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Sentry, in conjunction with the Alvin submarine, to conduct an investigation of the near-bottom currents.  Using this […]

CNAPS model output

The new Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS) web site allows users to interact with the group’s ocean model of past, present, and three-day future ocean states. Expanding the domain of the SABGOM model, CNAPS covers the ocean from Nova Scotia to Venezuela and west in the north Atlantic, and includes […]

SECOORA meeting attendees in Hunt Library

OOMG hosted the three-day annual meeting of the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA) in May 2016. Over 60 attendees, representing federal and state agencies, academia, industry/private sector, and the public, discussed SECOORA board business, big data, ecological interactions in the southeast U.S., and opportunities for collaboration. Board members Mitch […]

shipwreck debris

Searching for a missing oceanographic instrument mooring off the U. S. Atlantic coast, scientists aboard the R/V Atlantis discovered instead the remains of a shipwreck probably dating from the American Revolution. The autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry was used to scan the sea floor for anomalies, which Alvin, with a crew […]

The Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Modeling in June 2015 was chaired by John Wilkin (Rutgers University), with Roy He as vice-chair. Attendees from OOMG included Xiangming Zeng, Roy He, Joe Zambon, and Ping Zhai. The University of New England (Biddeford, ME) provided a scenic backdrop.

KErry Emanuel at OOMG

Dr. Kerry Emanuel (center), the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Atmospheric Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, visited OOMG on April 17, 2015. He was the invited speaker of “The Nature of Science: A Town Hall by Greg Fishel” program at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, and […]