Onboard the R/V Neil Armstrong, OOMG’s Joe Zambon and NCSU Marine Science undergrad Lauren Ball have been assisting with the NSF-funded Processes investigating Exchange Around Cape Hatteras (NSF-PEACH) project. A crucial component of the ongoing cruise is to utilize real-time in situ, satellite, and model data to assist Chief Scientist Magdalena Andres position the ship for crucial measurements while at sea. Joe designed a data pipeline to provide this imagery in a timely manner, with limited internet connection at sea. 24/7 operations means that the work never stops as Joe and Lauren has been working the overnight shift to sample and prepare important data for cruise planning meetings in the early morning. In addition, a concerning forecast for the next few days has extended this analysis to include weather and wave models. Over the next few hours, the crew will be deciding where to head next as a gale is expected to blow through the study region Monday night into Tuesday.